Monday, November 23, 2009


She's leaving us. She has up and decided that 25 years was enough...Some of you might know this, and most of you probably don't, but one of my life goals was to be on Oprah.
Like really be a guest on her show.
I didn't care what for. Maybe for the invention of a new kitty litter box, or because I happen to see aliens land and she wanted my "eye-witness" account.
I didn't care.
I just know that I will be very sad come 2011. She is going to start her very own network. Which I imagine will be a good Oprah Winfrey Show replacement, but somehow it just wont be the same.

1 comment:

  1. Come to Chicago and I will MAKE Christopher get me those Oprah tix. So you won't be a guest on the show, but you can be in audience.
