Lately my short term memory has been shot! I hate writing that because some say I'm just putting negative thoughts into the universe, but really it has been happening A LOT. I've even loaded up on my Ginkgo Biloba pills in hopes for a quick recovery.
The point of this rant is to say that I missed a
forum last night at Harvard Business School because of my memory. The forum topic was not what interested me, but the forum speakers.
Micheal Kors and Anna Wintor!
Did I really forget to go see these people!!?? Michael Kors is only BFF with Heidi Klum on Project Runway. And Anna Wintor only runs the entire fashion world! (The woman who The Devil Wears Prada is based on.)
The forum was super hard to get into, and somehow, with my name on a waiting list, I got a seat. And I missed it. I missed it. I complained out loud for about 20 minutes but its really been festering for a good 24 hours now. OMG.
Dear Memory,
I'm a little mad at you right now, but please come back.
Love, Jessica